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Government Overreach

Previous and partially new government policies and laws have created in recent years an increasing detrimental impact on our economy , ojur physical environment - and Kiwi way of life.

Some examples are...

  • Eroded personal sovereignty
  • Mandates during pandemics
  • WHO vaccine certification
  • Emergency legislation removing personal freedoms
  • Striking off good doctors, lawyers, nurses, midwives, caregivers and teachers through ad hoc emergency pandemic legislation
  • Alignment with the United Nations, World Health Organisation, and the World Economic Forum
  • Pharmaceuticals versus natural therapies - how many more natural products will be regulated under the Therapeutics Bill legislation?
  • School curiculums - what are they teaching our children and grandchildren? E.g. critical race theory and the sexualisation of our kids at school
  • Increased taxation resulting in higher living costs
  • Higher interest rates and inflation influenced by Government through over-spending
  • Government debt = taxpayer debt
  • Housing rental legislation has resulted in increased rental costs
  • Food quality and costs: excessive farming regulations and global food crisis resulting adding to excessive living costs
  • The influence of immigration law changes
  • The closure of Marsden Point fuel refinery impacts on petrol, diesel, jet fuel and roading bitchumen
  • Mining and mineral resources - overseas imports versus NZ owned resilience
  • Drinking water - chlorination and fluoridation impacts on health
  • He Puapua leading to racial based policies and co-governance
  • Selling off NZ Assets to globalists/international companies
  • Liberal abortion laws
  • Child sex law changes
  • Excessive gun laws
  • Carbon pine tree plantations and their detrimental impacts on rural communities
  • Climate change laws
  • Smart cities - intensive housing, 15 minute cities and the consequences on freedom of choice and quality of life
  • Energy policies
  • EV technology - passing out of petrol and diesel cars
  • Digital identity
  • Digital currency - no more cash
  • Police force no longer serving the people
  • Politicians & public servants no longer serving the public

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